Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Trump is a maniac (and welcome to my blog)

So, I just created this blog because I seriously can't believe what's going on in our political arena at this point.  I have to jot down some things, as I will likely want to look back on this time in history with some sort of reflection.  I imagine this is how earlier generations must have thought about presidential candidates or sitting presidents (for example, the late great Dr. Hunter S. Thompson writing about Nixon, or the first Clinton after his Monica episode), but with Trump in 2016, things seem have gotten really out of control.  Like, for real.

I'm going to start writing down my thoughts as we continue, because I really don't see how this maniac can even be considered to hold the highest office in the Union at this point. Today, he tweeted that perhaps 2nd Amendment backers can stop HRC from appointing new Supreme Court justices. The internet is blowing this up (as the internet will), interpreting this to say he is advocating gun nuts blowing her away.  I seriously doubt this is what he meant.  (In fact his camp is spinning it to say he meant that 2nd Amendment rights advocates are a strong political group that has sufficient clout to stop her from becoming elected).  The larger issue here for me, though, is that he really has no filter.  He obviously doesn't answer to anyone other than himself, and it is his warped sense of entitlement and psychopathic narcissism that should really make anyone with any common sense and half a brain think twice, then twice again, about even considering giving this guy the keys to the kingdom.

I initially wanted to write down my thoughts because I wanted to address the idea that he may be sabotaging his own campaign by repeated saying these things (thing like he wants to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it, or that he couldn't take what a Mexican judge says seriously due to his heritage, etc.).  It's become so overwhelming, however, that it simply can't be a calculated strategy anymore. It's all him.  He is what we see, and it's all coming straight from his deranged mind.  I am not one to engage others in political discussions, because I fear being beholden to one side or another.  I vote with my head, not my registered affiliation, and am generally for propositions that make sense for the general good.  I don't mind paying taxes when they are used to benefit our society, but if they are not being used responsibly, I have an issue with this.  I benefit from having police protection, strong fire services, and roads that don't slowly destroy the car I worked to purchase for myself.  I am, generally speaking, left-leaning on social issues and fiscally conservative, but again, it depends on the issue.

The thing I truly hate most in life, aside from the usual disease, famine, unreasonable hatred of others, etc. is hypocrisy.  Hypocrites drive me absolutely nuts.  There is nothing worse for me than seeing some moron preach one thing and do the opposite.  If you are going to be outspoken and talk the talk, you better be prepared to walk the walk.  And then I ran into this:


Astounding.  How is this guy even considered seriously as a possible leader of the free world?  In any other election, it wouldn't be a question, but we have a democratic candidate who can't seem to escape controversy herself, given the e-mail leaks and the fact that her own party's lead representative resigned after it was shown there was undue influence over repressing Bernie Sanders campaign.  We live in interesting times, to say the least.  More to come...

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