Friday, August 12, 2016

More on the election

Saw this today and it sort of sums up what has transpired to date with Trump.

"For most of the campaign, Trump’s ability to avoid the political immolation that usually follows overt displays of racism, sexism, pathological dishonesty, or gross incompetence from a presidential candidate has led to a common refrain among political types: “Nothing matters.” He’s still winning primaries after calling Mexican immigrants rapists and mocking a reporter’s disability? Nothing matters. He’s winning after flirting with the KKK, talking about the size of his dick on national television, and saying that he’d punish women who get abortions? Nothing matters. The race is still close after Trump attacked a federal judge’s Mexican heritage, tweeted “appreciate the congrats” in response to a terrorist attack, encouraged a foreign power to commit espionage on American soil, and shows a level of knowledge on domestic and international affairs that is roughly on par with someone who catches the first 10 minutes of The Situation Room?"

And still, those who identify themselves as "conservatives" will defend this guy to the end.  Again, astonishing.

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